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What I Learned In My First Year Of Business: Staying True To Yourself | Part 2 of 4


Who are you? I mean, who are YOU?

What makes you tick? What do you love doing? That one thing you do really well that you could do all day, every day, for-ev-er? Are you staying trie to yourself, really?

So much we hear that we need to focus on improving our weaknesses. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should ignore them. But what if we really focused on our strengths, owned them and prioritized developing those and really staying true to yourself?

I absolutely love to plan and organize, and really enjoy seeing plans come together that deliver results. I never viewed this skill and ability as anything special, it’s just who I am, and I really, really, really enjoy doing it!

Somehow I’d always figured other people could do this as well. Shonda Rhimes calls this feeling ‘the hum’. That sensation you get when you’re doing that thing you love, you’re good and and you’d do it 24×7.

Planning is my jam and my ‘hum’.

As I began my business, I was feeling my way through it. I didn’t have a strategic vision, and wasn’t sure where to focus. It never even occurred to me to offer my planning services to others, that they’d pay for that. In my professional career, sure, companies paid over $300 per hour for my level of expertise.

In the beginning, I followed the crowd. I created in person workshops to teach others about mindset and genius zone. I signed up for programs to teach me how to develop my coaching business. It appeared that was the path that others took, so I headed down that road too. It wasn’t until I heard one of my coaches say that I get to define my coaching business the way I want, that a light bulb went on for me.

Something I could do that would be me, AND serve others!  

Many women said they needed structure, planning, organization and once I decided that’s the form my coaching business would take, I got really excited. Because I got to do what I really enjoy and that will always come through to your clients.

You have unique and special gifts that only you can offer the world. There are people who NEED what only you have to offer.  Don’t deny them or yourself the beauty of those gifts. Or the joy in providing them.

Staying true to yourself will be what sustains you in your business and life.

Up next: Surround Yourself With The Support You Need

“Sue has a great ability to get to the heart of

the matter and not waste time on fluff.”