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Self-Care Tips: Do You Have Margin In Your Life?

I’m the kind of person who will plan my day like I solve a math equation. For example, if I have X amount of time available, and Y amount of stuff to get done, the solution is to make them equal…pretty simple. And given how much I love to plan, I get pretty detailed!

I have done this pretty much my whole life. I was brought up with an incredibly strong work ethic. So much so, that if I stop to rest I feel lazy (nobody ever said this to me, but I came to believe it).

During my career, this approach paid dividends, handsomely. I was known as a ‘workhorse’ (self-care tips weren’t even on my radar!) and regularly got rewards and recognition for achieving results. Who doesn’t like that? It fueled me even more to continue that pattern.

But this eventually takes its toll.

The stress began manifesting in some not so great ways, most of which were significant health issues. My solution? Yep, work hard at solving those problems so that I could continue my ways.

You can see where this is going, right?

You Must Use These Self-care Tips and Rest, It’s A Strategic Move!

Sometimes (or realistically, more often than not), others can see that our behavior is not serving us. They can be our early warning system if they feel like they can say something. My husband sees how I do typically overcommit and how overwhelmed I can get. He regularly encouraged me for years with self-care tips, and to this day, to ‘take a break’. I would always reply, ‘and do what? I don’t know how to do that’.

I felt if I stopped what I was doing, I wouldn’t have the energy or will to start back up again.

I can still remember a Home Ec. sewing project in high school, I chose to make a purse. I love the beginning part of projects because it allows me to use my organization and planning skills. That’s where I find my joy.

As the day wore on, the work to complete the purse became a grind – I wanted to see results! I just couldn’t leave it undone and go to bed. Needless to say, the quality of my work began to suffer. My sole focus was only to get it done.

More than 40 years later, I still remember that purse as an example of where I tried to ‘gut it out’, and I’m not proud of the end product.

Create Margin In Your Life

My pastor recently preached about creating margin in your life; money, time, etc so that you can take advantage of unplanned, currently unknown things that will be presented to you. You know those sermons where you’re positive he’s specifically speaking to you? This came at a time where again I had over committed. Shocker!

If we pay attention, we get messages all the time. Helping correct or guide our behavior.

Yes, another reminder NOT to completely fill my plate. Current Sue is an expert at overcommitting future Sue, and then future Sue is not happy. Of course, future Sue is forgiving and reminds current Sue what can happen if you don’t leave margin in your life.

Changing decades of old patterns isn’t impossible, it’s a process. I don’t always getting it right. But, I’m getting better.

And isn’t that really what it’s about? Doing our best, learning, improving, growing. Now it’s time for a nap!

‘Til next time,
xo Sue

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2 thoughts on “Self-Care Tips: Do You Have Margin In Your Life?

  1. This sounds so just like me! I grew up on a family owned resort and work was just what we did growing up. I carried on that work ethic throughout my life and after 34 years at my job I was able to retire at 56 years old. Single, never married and no kids I am now taking my time in discovering what to do in retirement. I read books on “how to” and plan, write and make checklists of “to do’s”. I am learning to relax and explore new adventures. I am sitting on a lanai in Florida taking an unplanned 2 week trip from Minnesota and loving it ☀️🏝😎

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